Storm Guard Jewell Loyd Uses Latest Player Edition With Nike To Highlight Autism Awareness

In a heartwarming display of creativity and compassion, Nike is set to release a special Player Edition shoe inspired by 6-year-old Justice Swann, a child on the autism spectrum who finds joy in drawing smiley faces. This unique collaboration between Nike, Olympic gold medalist Jewell Loyd, and the Swann family showcases the power of storytelling, art, and inclusivity.

Justice’s penchant for drawing smiley faces isn’t limited to paper – they adorn his schoolwork, the driveway, and even the walls of his home, much to the delight of his family. Laci Swann, Justice’s mother and wife of former Florida State basketball player Isaiah Swann, fondly recalls their home’s cheerful decorations, telling Jim Henry of the Tallahassee Democrat, “We can’t put a marker or a pen down for a minute or we will end up with smiley faces everywhere.”

The Swanns’ heartwarming story caught the attention of Jewell Loyd, who, when asked by Nike about the direction for her Player Edition shoe, immediately thought of Justice. Inspired by his creativity, infectious smile, and love for drawing, Loyd envisioned a shoe that would not only reflect her own journey but also pay homage to the Swann family.

The result is the Jewell Loyd Player Edition of the G.T. Cut 3, a vibrant and meaningful shoe that incorporates Justice’s favorite drawings – smiley faces, flames, and lightning bolts – alongside his sister Sloan’s color choices and handwritten phrases. Nike collaborated closely with Justice and Sloan, allowing them to contribute their ideas and make the shoe truly personal.

“This shoe is one of a kind with a great story and journey behind it,” Loyd told the Tallahassee Democrat. “The design is personal and meaningful to me but most importantly (to) the Swann family.”

“I wanted to create a shoe like nothing I’ve ever seen before with a story that can shine light on Autism awareness,” Loyd said.

For the Swann family, this collaboration is about more than just a shoe – it’s a celebration of Justice’s uniqueness and an opportunity to raise awareness about autism. As Isaiah Swann reflects on the experience, he expresses his excitement at the prospect of wearing his children’s design, calling it “mind-blowing.”

But the collaboration doesn’t stop there. In a further demonstration of her commitment to making a difference, Jewell Loyd is partnering with the Swann family’s nonprofit, the Little Boy Blue Foundation, to host a summer camp for children with autism. Scheduled for July at Roberts Elementary, the camp aims to provide support and resources for families in the Tallahassee community.

As Justice’s smiley faces spread from the walls of his home to the soles of Nike shoes, his story serves as a reminder of the power of art, empathy, and connection. Through this collaboration, Nike and Jewell Loyd are shining a light on autism awareness and championing inclusivity in sports and beyond. The Jewell Loyd Player Edition shoe will be available for purchase on May 15, offering fans the opportunity to support a meaningful cause while stepping into a piece of history.

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