Derrick Rose, a basketball legend, brought a unique and meaningful experience to his hometown of Chicago with a pop-up flower shop that marked his journey and legacy for a single day. The event, known as Rose’s Flower Shop, was a part of a weeklong celebration that preceded Derrick Rose Night at the United Center, commemorating the former Chicago Bulls star.
In partnership with Adidas, Rose’s Flower Shop drew in hundreds of fans who endured long lines and cold weather to participate. Under the slogan ‘Stop and Smell the Roses’, the shop allowed fans to select four flowers to send to loved ones.
Derrick Rose was present at the pop-up, meeting fans, signing autographs, and taking photos. Rose shared his love for Chicago in an Instagram post that reflected on the event.
“We all know you don’t have to prove nothing to anybody but yourself but what if you grow up in an environment that you have to prove yourself in order to be considered Great. Chicago is that place. Yes you don’t have to prove shit to anyone but it’s nothing like getting that head nod from a Og or that look when ppl see and feel that you chasing greatness.’
“When I was younger I had a chance to tap into that vibration with my nigga Rome at DeLaSalle High school. I played up one game and it was so fire that I don’t remember what I did but after the game the love was different. Everybody felt that I was chasing it. What I remember most is getting in the car with Harv, Ran and Lang… I was sitting in the back seat and Harv out of no where was like “Pooh man…. If you keep playin like that u gon make it man”. It touched me becuz I was fucked up at the crib and I wanted to get to my dreams quicker. So I was holdin my tears becuz he seen what I already knew. Aye shorty how you gon show your Greatness to yourself or family if you not here or if yo ass behind those walls? You from Chicago! Figure it out and it’s been niggas that did it without pullin that trigger…Im talking about some hood ones. We built for it…. Check the history. It’s up to US to add to those records of the past. Pooh El Dini Rose DZY720.”
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